
Bad choices

“He who is slow to anger is better than the mighty, and he who rules his spirit than he who takes a city.”
Proverbs 16:32
2 - Reflect
It requires a lot of experience and a lot of introspection to learn to master one's character. When we are young we tend to be irreverent people, we do not respect others, often we do not respect good habits or we lack respect for our brothers and sisters. With these errant behaviors we are testing ourselves, or rather, proving to our friends or companions that we are insolent and courageous, that nothing can really affect us. The kind of courage that we want to show is usually linked to revealing ourselves against some precept that we learned in our homes or revealing ourselves to the authority exercised by our parents or those we see as older adults.

The truth is that disobedience will only bring us discomfort in the short term. Many have fallen in bad choices for their insurrection. One way to exemplify that is an early consumption of drugs or alcohol, which are addictions that these children then have to deal with for moving away from God the Father. Our Lord will know how to rebuke them but will also reach out to those young people who lose their way, who fail to find their purpose in life when they feel most confused. If your heart is docile and you can receive the will of God, you will find the path again and when your rebellion is gone, you will be received with love and redemption in the arms of your Heavenly Father.


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