
Life's Priorities Above All Others

For to me, to live is Christ and to die is gain.
Philippians 1:21
2 - Reflect
On my way to work this morning, I saw through the bus window a woman begging for alms with a small child in her arms and an older one by her side. When the traffic light turned red, she took the opportunity to pass by and ask for something among the stopped cars.

As there was a lot of traffic I had time to watch her for a while. When she wasn't begging, she would go up to the sidewalk with her two children and the three of them would sit on the ground and play. It was during that brief moment that the three of them enjoyed the moment of play to the fullest, as if abstracted from the daily routine and the situation in which, due to various circumstances, they found themselves. That image stayed with me for the rest of the day, and I thought about how at times we complain about the problems that beset us every day.

Someone once said that for each of us, our problems are the worst. While that is true, so is the fact that there will always be someone who is worse off than we are, so we should always be grateful instead of constantly complaining.

I personally believe that the secret is to take refuge in Christ and how much He loves us, in His promise of an eternal life without worries with Him. That way we will be able to live above our problems, giving them the little importance they deserve because with God on our side, they matter little.


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