
Creating a World Full of Wonders

God saw all that he had made, and it was very good. And there was evening, and there was morning—the sixth day.
Genesis 1:31
2 - Reflect
God is the Greatest Being of all that exists, and the non-existent. Nothing can be imagined that surpasses the greatness of God and before it we bow with respect. God is the Being who can do everything and nothing limits him. It is He who has created the marvelous world in which we live and which we have so often neglected. Nothing happens on Earth or in the Universe that God does not want, He has His reasons, which we do not know. Everything is there for our learning and growth.

It is unimaginable for us to know his essence, the divine essence, because we are limited beings, we are beings whose transit through this world is transitory, and who enjoy part of his Being. But none of us possesses his magnificence. It is difficult, almost impossible for us to imagine, to understand, because all that He is is incomprehensible.

God created a perfect world for us, humans who have weaknesses and mistakes. Even so, and precisely because of this, God loves us and gives us His Creation so that we can improve it, enjoy it and be responsible for it.

He gave us a beautiful world, which we must take care of. To take care of nature and our brothers and sisters as He does. To be witnesses of his Creation and his divine Love, and to carry it in our hearts to share it with all of us who inhabit its greatness.


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