
Union and Eternal Hope

For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God— not by works, so that no one can boast.
Ephesians 2:8-9
2 - Reflect
Some time ago I saw a documentary about the mysteries of the universe where, by way of reference, the director compared humanity to an anthill, while the rest of the galaxy -not the universe- was represented by the entire planet earth. The conclusion with which the documentary began has to do with the fact that, under the magnifying glass of the universe, we humans are insignificant.

That way of arriving at a supposed conclusion left me thinking, how can we be insignificant with all the progress we have made in our existence as a race?

Throughout my life I have proven that the union of small efforts makes great wills come true and in that process every contribution of each person is extremely important.

For example: God has given us everything that surrounds us so that we can enjoy it and put our hope in Him.

Likewise, He has made us His creation and endowed us with the main purpose of setting us on the path of good works, giving us His presence in every thought and every action we carry out.

Therefore, despite the vastness of the world around us, there is no reason to feel insignificant, because the reality is that as we walk with the Lord, we truly possess everything. There is nothing better than knowing that the God of the universe is in every step, taking care of us.


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