
The Daily Yearning to Move Forward

You, Lord, are forgiving and good, abounding in love to all who call to you. Hear my prayer, Lord; listen to my cry for mercy. When I am in distress, I call to you, because you answer me.
Psalm 86:5-7
2 - Reflect
How many times have you felt alone, you think that no one listens to you or that no one is interested in what happens to you in life. You think that the difficulties are too big to carry on your back, that your effort will never be enough to overcome the obstacles that keep coming your way.

Here Faith is at work, it is precisely believing in your Father in Heaven that will make the difference in your life. This is precisely the moment when you can make a difference. Get up again in the morning with courage and confidence, because you know that you are not alone, that your Father is with you.

God is rich in understanding and mercy. He always hears our prayers, so over time, prayer stands firm as the rock, as the rock that is our Faith in Him.

We pray because we are heard, and we are heard because we pray. In order not to feel alone we must ask for help, in moments of pain, anguish, sadness, it is essential to feel listened to and to be able to speak with an open heart. In the middle of the night God is the light that guides us, in anguish he is the one who can calm and comfort us.


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