
Firmly Reconnecting with the Path of Light

And he was in the wilderness forty days, being tempted by Satan. He was with the wild animals, and angels attended him. Jesus Announces the Good News. After John was put in prison, Jesus went into Galilee, proclaiming the good news of God. “The time has come,” he said. “The kingdom of God has come near. Repent and believe the good news!
Mark 1:13-15
2 - Reflect
Recently I saw again a friend I had not seen for a long time. He had disappeared from one moment to the next, without further explanation. When I saw him, he told me that he had fallen into the grip of drugs and that he had distanced himself from his family, circle of friends and so on. The drugs had caused him to lose everything he loved and that was good for him.

This got me thinking about all those things that try to bend us and keep us from God's path, and how we can overcome them and be victorious.

It is only when we recognize that we can turn to the Lord in every situation we face that we begin to win the small battles that will lead us to the ultimate victory. The Lord puts in our way people who can help us to get back on track, family, friends, trained professionals.

So whatever the struggle we face, let us keep this in mind: God loves us more than we can imagine and is faithful to help us.


The Power of Eternal Gratitude FRI 18

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Don't Think It's Too Late THU 17

Often we may find ourselves taking stock of our life and, almost inevitably, moments or actions come up that we are not proud of. Our first reaction is to want ...

A Future Filled with Love and Blessings WED 16

Many times I have heard people complain about how difficult it is to reach this or that goal, how unattainable it is to quit a certain habit or how many times, ...

Let Silence No Longer Occupy Space WED 16

This morning I was thinking about the importance of knowing how to listen: knowing how to listen to others in order to advise them, knowing how to listen to ...

Everywhere MON 14

Today I woke up thinking about my relationship with God, about all the times I needed Him so much, about all those moments where I felt He never abandoned me. I...

Union and Eternal Hope SUN 13

Some time ago I saw a documentary about the mysteries of the universe where, by way of reference, the director compared humanity to an anthill, while the rest ...