
Feeling the Sky Near

To the Jews who had believed him, Jesus said, “If you hold to my teaching, you are really my disciples. Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.
John 8:31-32
2 - Reflect
My middle son has entered adolescence by the big door. He now revels in doing all those things that, as a child, he was forbidden to do. One of them, in particular, was access to social networks. Obviously that is a whole new world for him and, consequently, for all of us. I was particularly struck by the number of celebrities my son follows, either out of admiration or by simple implicit social consensus.

Those profiles of "famous people" all look the same to me: unnecessary consumerism, ostentation and, what is worse, the construction of a lifestyle far removed from reality. Personally, I don't believe that happiness. Judging by their expressions, the expensive make-up they wear and the latest fashionable clothes, one would say that celebrities are happy people, but what I see is someone who is a slave to maintain an image that he or she created and from which it is difficult for them to get out. It is important then to remember that these people only need to receive Christ into their lives to be set free by His immense love and understanding.

The freedom that God proposes to us has to do with accepting His holy forgiveness and, in that way, placing our faith solely in Him who, in return, will set us free from the slavery of our own ghosts, those who tell us that the image is all that matters.


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