
On the Path of Illumination Accompanied by the Holy Spirit

Show me your ways, Lord, teach me your paths. Guide me in your truth and teach me, for you are God my Savior, and my hope is in you all day long.
Psalm 25:4-5
2 - Reflect
Many times I have spoken about God's ways, how mysterious they can be, how difficult but rewarding they always turn out to be. When we walk them, the important thing to remember is that they will not always be smooth or easy to walk, but that we will be presented with various obstacles, which we must overcome using our faith as our main tool.

The presence of these obstacles is directly related to God's love for us, we just have to know how to interpret it: The fact that the Lord presents us with a difficult road to walk, has to do with the trust He has in us and how much He knows us -like the palm of His hand- that is why we must leave behind the pride of feeling we are the best, get rid of the selfishness within us and not fall into the trap of thinking: God is doing this to me because He does not love me.

Instead, let us remember to interpret it in the following way: If God put this obstacle in my way, it is because he knows my potential to overcome it, because he knows me and knows that if I give my best, I will not only have overcome the obstacle, but I will also have grown as a person and, in that way, I will have strengthened my Faith.

Let us not forget that the ways of the Lord are ways of faith. Even though his paths may sometimes lead us in strange directions or to places we do not want to go, we must stand firm in the knowledge that he goes ahead.


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