
Inner and Spiritual Organization

What, then, shall we say in response to these things? If God is for us, who can be against us? He who did not spare his own Son, but gave him up for us all—how will he not also, along with him, graciously give us all things?
Romans 8:31-32
2 - Reflect
Last Sunday, what I was dreading happened: cleaning Sunday. Beyond all joking, cleaning days in my house are quite exhausting, as we start in the morning to get rid of everything we accumulate that has no use, no purpose. Once we get rid of everything, it's time to rearrange the furniture and then sweep and mop.

The whole process, as I said before, is very tiring, but at the end of the day it is nice to enjoy a “renovated” house. In the same way that we do with our house -which is where we live- we should do the same with our heart -which is where God lives- and we should also get rid of everything that occupies unnecessary and purposeless space, in order to give more room to those things that truly matter to the Lord. To make room in our hearts means to give space to Christ so that He may flood all aspects of our lives with His immense love, so that He may reach more and more people, more and more brothers and sisters who need to hear His word.

Let us remember that, by having space in our hearts, we will be telling Christ that we have the place for Him to sow feelings of love in us, thus making us instruments of His love.


Always Make It Possible in your Heart MON 16

Many things escape our understanding. We are men, mortal and with the limits of our own nature. We fall into error and lose hope. We are distracted from the ...

The Daily Yearning to Move Forward SUN 15

How many times have you felt alone, you think that no one listens to you or that no one is interested in what happens to you in life. You think that the ...

The Prayer that Rejoices the Heart SAT 14

Faith is inseparable from joy and prayer. It is the only way to live in grace. Wherever we go, it is necessary to give testimony of faith, trust and joy. Of the...

Putting Unnecessary Words to One Side FRI 13

Greed is the worst of evils for those who have the ability to have abundant material goods, it is a trap that the ego presents to us and from which it is very ...

Being Millionaires in Love FRI 13

Material riches never bring meaning to our existence, to our life. They only distract us from the true meaning, they take us away from our path. Greed and ...

Not Being Selfish in the World THU 12

Whatever we have in excess is a heavy burden in our life. Accumulation sickens the soul. It is worry, fear, ambition and greed. All these feelings corrode the ...