
Where is your Faith based?

"So he ran ahead and climbed a sycamore tree to see him, because he was going to pass that way. When Jesus came to the place, he looked up and said to him, 'Zacchaeus, hurry and come down; for I must stay at your house today.' "
Luke 19: 4-5
2 - Reflect
Zacchaeus was head of the tax collectors and the Bible says that he was a very rich man. Not everyone could become a boss, much less have a lot of money, so surely he was a cultured person. Even so, neither his studies, nor his abilities, nor his money and the pleasure that it could give him filled the need that was in his heart.

There are 4 things Zacchaeus did to see Jesus and get his attention.

He left the place where he was, made a movement, an action to see Jesus. He had the expectation and the faith that Jesus was what he had looked for so much and could not find anywhere else, he was not afraid, he did not doubt he just went to meet him.

He went to a place in the road where Jesus had to pass. Zacchaeus knew that He was going to pass by and that his short height could not have allowed him to see Christ, but even so he did not limit himself.

He climbed a tree, the predisposition and Faith in Jesus led him to do one of the most insane, humiliating, and shameful actions of his life, for a person of means like himself.

Zacchaeus responded quickly to Jesus' call, and allowed Him to fill the need of his heart, which he had sought so much in other things. God is so loving that He always allows us to meet Him and fills us with blessings. Are you willing to look for Him?


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