
His Presence is Enough

For the word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart
Hebrews 4:12
2 - Reflect
Often we are faced with complicated situations throughout our lives, problems that no matter how many times we have faced, still continue to give us headaches and threaten the peace that we were able to achieve with so much effort.

Then, it is perfectly normal that in such circumstances it is difficult for us to find the course that will bring us back to the tranquility and balance that we long for. It is at such moments when those questions that come to our lips from time to time arise: What should I do? where should I go? Someone once said that it is much easier for us to get used to the good things that happen to us than to the bad, and it is quite true.

Let us remember then that God is the only owner of the absolute truth and undisputed sovereign of our life, and that is why it is our duty as His children to turn to Him. Of course, we can find Him in different places: in the silence of prayer, through which Christ manifests Himself speaking directly to our heart; in everything we do and say, because He also speaks through us; and finally in the Holy Scriptures, where we will find the answers to absolutely everything we need to know.

Let us remember that when we call upon God we acknowledge Him as the sovereign of our lives, thus entrusting Him with our future.


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