
An Enlightened Solution to Problems

But remember the Lord your God, for it is he who gives you the ability to produce wealth, and so confirms his covenant, which he swore to your ancestors, as it is today.
Deuteronomy 8:18
2 - Reflect
Much of our walk along the path that Christ proposes, is crossed by the obstacles that we must overcome. It is logical then, that something inside us gets out of order and, therefore, life becomes complicated with the arrival of a new problem.

The instinctive response, worthy of human beings, is to succumb to our feelings, which inevitably will not lead us to a good port. Feelings such as fear, depression or anguish will surely weaken our strength and hurt our faith. That is why it is important the way in which we face the problems that harass us from time to time.

Recognizing God as the author of everything and sovereign of our life, we will recognize in Him the divine will to lead our life towards the promise of an eternal life with Him, and shielded in that concept, no problem will be sufficiently threatening to intimidate us.

At the same time, it is of utmost importance to remember that an obstacle in our life means an attempt by God to bring us closer to Him, a way to stop the game to meditate on what we have done so far and what we will do in the immediate future. Let us recognize in Him our Father and let us ask ourselves what Christ wants to transmit to us with the arrival of a new problem.


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