
Understanding others is understanding ourselves

“Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love.”
Ephesians 4:2
2 - Reflect
A person that keeps grudges for someone else's actions harms themselves slowly. Being able to understand the mistakes of others speaks to an analysis and realization of our own attitudes; of being able to recognize the instances in which we could have harmed another or acted in a wrongful manner and not being completely conscious of it in that moment.

In that way, we no longer expect perfection in our neighbors, because we realize our own limitations first. Having tolerance we allow unity among brothers, among all the children of God, and we are part of the example of Jesus, reproducing His love anywhere we go. Propagating kindness, humility, patience, we are spiritual spokesmen of the love that God the Father gives us and teaches us through His word.


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