
A Future Filled with Love and Blessings

Do not offer any part of yourself to sin as an instrument of wickedness, but rather offer yourselves to God as those who have been brought from death to life; and offer every part of yourself to him as an instrument of righteousness.
Romans 6:13
2 - Reflect
Many times I have heard people complain about how difficult it is to reach this or that goal, how unattainable it is to quit a certain habit or how many times, frustrated, they have thrown away the road they have traveled.

Meditating on the subject, I think it is important to have in mind an image of how we want to be, to see ourselves with our ideal self. The visualization of the ideal forces us to give an image to the goal we want to achieve and, in this way, remove the label of unattainable, making it almost tangible, achievable.

That is why the word of God, through its descriptions of the future, gives us an idea of where we must arrive and what we must become in order to reach that point in each of our lives.

Let us recognize each day the need to know more of the Lord and, through the scriptures, let us open our eyes to see the future in which He will be waiting for us with open arms at the end of the road. Let us work each day rightly for the good, visualizing that future, so as to arm ourselves with all possible confidence, faith and courage to continue in Him, rejoicing in His fountain of eternal love, obeying Him and serving Him with gratitude.


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