
Putting Unnecessary Words to One Side

The increase from the land is taken by all; the king himself profits from the fields.
Ecclesiastes 5:9
2 - Reflect
Greed is the worst of evils for those who have the ability to have abundant material goods, it is a trap that the ego presents to us and from which it is very difficult to escape. Luxury and the accumulation of profits corrupt the soul, they are installed as false gods who are admired and venerated. Not only those who possess them, but also those who surround them, since they attribute the value of possessions to the person, building a false way of thinking in which the person who accumulates the most material goods is worth more as a person.

This leads to an endless race in which nothing is ever enough, nothing is ever enough and the individual becomes a greedy accumulator, leaving his humanity on the way. We forget others and their needs, we despise those who have less money, we exploit the dispossessed, and we lose empathy with our brothers and sisters who need us most.

And nothing will be enough, it is a race that only ends with death, because whoever has more wants more, voracity is awakened and in the desire for luxury and opulence nothing is achieved. Only vanity and greed are exalted. The worst of the evils: to deify money. To fall into vanity.

Forgetting the principles of humility and respect for others only closes the doors of Paradise.


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