
In Search of the Right Reason

Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with all your might, for in the realm of the dead, where you are going, there is neither working nor planning nor knowledge nor wisdom.
Ecclesiastes 9:10
2 - Reflect
Many times, when we undertake a project or task that does not go as we had thought it would, we end up surrounded by negative feelings almost without noticing it. For example: In my family, my uncle Federico is quite negative when things do not go as he wants, he regrets for having decided to do such a thing, he victimizes himself because he says that nothing ever goes well and he even threatens to never try again.

Everyone has their own methods of safeguarding themselves: Some are more effective than others, just as some are ultimately more harmful than others. But the truth is that in such cases we must change our approach. We must first tackle tasks or objectives that are within our reach, manage on safe ground, and eventually raise the bar a little higher and higher.

In this way we will be doing several things at the same time: We will give ourselves confidence, which will generate a desire to go further and further, strengthening our self-confidence and cultivating our faith, at the same time that we will be - perhaps without even looking for it - an example for others, an inspiration for transformations, and all thanks to Christ. Let us remember then that His love transforms negative energies into positive ones and regrets into pride.


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The Daily Yearning to Move Forward SUN 15

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The Prayer that Rejoices the Heart SAT 14

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Putting Unnecessary Words to One Side FRI 13

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Being Millionaires in Love FRI 13

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Not Being Selfish in the World THU 12

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