
Always Make It Possible in your Heart

Those who heard this asked, “Who then can be saved?” Jesus replied, “What is impossible with man is possible with God.”
Luke 18:26-27
2 - Reflect
Many things escape our understanding. We are men, mortal and with the limits of our own nature. We fall into error and lose hope. We are distracted from the right path, we lose the way, we fall into darkness. We are distracted by false gods and we worship banalities. But our Father is always there to accompany us to return to the right path. Without reproach, with Love and Faith.

We cannot save ourselves alone. Everything we advance will be in the company of God and our brothers and sisters in Christ. Even in the darkest night when we believe that all is lost, God comes to our rescue, it is his infinite Love that takes us in his arms and accompanies us for a stretch of the road until we recover and can continue by our own means. What seems impossible is not impossible for the Lord, who never abandons us. We can do little alone in this world. The tasks we face seem gigantic and impossible because of their degree of difficulty. We become discouraged.

We want to give up everything, not to struggle any more, and to resign ourselves. For those moments there is prayer to God who can do all things. Prayer to God is refuge and calm. It is comfort and forgiveness. It is God's strength in us. Who can be saved? they asked Christ. And He answered: What is impossible with men is possible with God. There is the Way.


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