
In Humility and Eternal Gratitude with Faith

Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit. Rather, in humility value others above yourselves.
Philippians 2:3
2 - Reflect
Today I want us to reflect on a virtue that could easily be called the mother of all virtues: humility.

Let us first recognize that humility is the foundation on which we build our Faith day by day and that, without it, everything we propose to preach would be obsolete. Humility allows us to set aside pride to forgive those who have wronged us and to recognize when we have been the ones who have offended others.

It also helps us to serve more effectively, because it gives us the wisdom to recognize our strengths and weaknesses and to know how best to help those around us.

But how do we achieve this very important virtue? There are several tools we can use: silence, to meditate before saying the first word that comes to our mouth and, in this way, avoid responding without thinking. Let us remember that silence also gives way to actions, which speak for themselves and are worth more than words, since in this way we preach by example. Forgiveness is something very valuable that we count on, since it takes us out of the spotlight when we receive a grievance.

So, let us be wise to recognize our mistakes, merciful to forgive and thus humble to honor the Lord.


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